Local Choir Flies the Flag for Daventry

Daventry Choral Society performing at National Trust Uppark House near ChichesterDaventry Choral Society performing at National Trust Uppark House near Chichester
Daventry Choral Society performing at National Trust Uppark House near Chichester
Last Sunday, 4th June, our own local Choral Society returned from a long weekend tour showcasing their talent at several prestigious venues in and around Chichester under the baton of their brilliant Musical Director Laura Bailie.

Last Sunday our own local Choral Society returned from a long weekend tour showcasing their talent at several prestigious venues in and around Chichester under the baton of their brilliant Musical Director Laura Bailie. Daventry Choral Society performed a varied programme ranging from ABBA to Rachmaninov at a stunning concert venue, Graylingwell Chapel and National Trust Property, Uppark House as well as having the honour of performing Choral Evensong in Chichester Cathedral. They even caused a sensation with a pop-up rendition of a medley from The Sound of Music at Chieveley Services on the way! Noo Jarvill, Chair of DCS said “Our members always look forward to going on tour, the last was in Tuscany, this year we chose the South Downs - both as beautiful as each other offering us stunning venues where our varied programme was enjoyed by a wide audience; the choir flew the flag most brilliantly for Daventry! Of chief importance was that our members had a super time, and it was clear they did - lots of new friendships made and long standing ones enjoyed! Now onward and upward as we finish preparations for our new style concert on 9th July 2023, where for the first time the event will be on a Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm, with the audience being served tea and cakes, whilst enjoying excerpts from Les Miserables, Abba, The Sound of Music and some well known classics - we’d love to see some families in the audience and hope that the earlier start time will be an encouragement ”

DCS are keen to recruit new members. If you are interested in singing, socialising, having fun just email [email protected] and they’ll arrange for you to come along to one of their Tuesday rehearsals to see what they’re all about

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