Daventry ladies are invited to free group which spreads positivity of pregnancy and birth

Marie Teale with newborn Orlaith.Marie Teale with newborn Orlaith.
Marie Teale with newborn Orlaith.
Pregnant women in Daventry who are passionate about having a positive birthing experience are invited to join other ladies.

Positive Birth Movement groups are free to access and aim to change feelings surrounding modern birth.

The Northamptonshire group is now being run by Marie Teale of AmazingBirth.co.uk and Melissa Maloney of Studio Blossom.

Both women teach the Wise Hippo Birthing Programme.

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Marie, who has two daughters Orlaith and Abigh, three, said: “There are many birthing programmes that use hypnosis that are collectively labelled Hypnobirthing.

“The Wise Hippo has a unique approach as we do not focus on one specific way of birthing with one specific outcome. We appreciate that every woman has unique needs, wants and concerns about their baby’s birth and we teach with this in mind. This in turn enables each woman to prepare for their baby’s birth in a way that feels right for them and ultimately to achieve the right birth on the day.”

Marie is also a breastfeeding counsellor with the international charity La Leche League, and Melissa is a qualified Hypnotherapist and also offers baby massage classes.

Positive Birth Movement groups are free to access and available to all women - regardless of their background, experience or choices.

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Unlike traditional ‘antenatal classes’, in Positive Birth Movement groups, women listen to each other, rather than to a teacher.

Marie added: “Positive Birth Movement groups aim to be a helpful part of your pregnancy; a warm and welcoming place to hear stories and ideas, to consider what you really want from your childbirth experience, and to challenge any fears or negative expectations you might have.

“When you have this kind of support during their pregnancy, a positive outcome for you and your baby is more likely.”

Details will be posted at https://www.facebook.com/PBMNorthants/?fref=ts